Liping Liu is Professor of Management and Information Systems at The University of Akron. He received his Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics in 1986 from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (华中科技大学), Bachelor of Engineering in River Dynamics in 1987 from Wuhan University (武汉大学), Master of Engineering in Systems Engineering in 1991 from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Ph.D. in Business in 1995 from the University of Kansas. His research interests are in the areas of Uncertainty Reasoning and Decision Making in Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, and Information Systems.    >> Profile

The meaning of my job as a professor lies at enlightenment: to enlighten the dark space, exploring pathways in the midst of unknowns; to enlighten the dark mind, exposing possibilities to the world of ignorance.                                               —Liping Liu

  Professor Liping Liu

  Professor Liping Liu

  Professor Liping Liu

  刘伯水 郑生菊

Dr. Liu has published articles in Decision Support Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Information and Management, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, and others. His theories of coarse utilities and linear belief functions have been taught at nation's top Ph.D. programs in Accounting, Computer Science, Economics, Management, and Psychology.

Dr. Liu has made contributions in the following three areas:

  1. Decision Theory (决策理论): provided the best axiomatization of the Rank-and-Sign Utility Function (建立了Rank-and-Sign 效用函数迄今最好的公理基础);proposed a theory of coarse utility and showed that it could explain the St. Petersburg Paradox, Allais' Paradox, and others better than any other utility functions (提出了近似效用函数的概念,并用所有经典的悖论实例证实它比其他的效用函数更能描述人们的的选择行为); applied the coarse utiiity theory to portfolio analysis and built a new foundation for the mean-variance analysis (应用近似效用函数建立了一个新的投资分析模型,为现代投资分析提出了一个新的基础)
  2. Uncertainty Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence (人工智能中的不确定性推理): proposed so far the most efficient algorithm for combining and transforming belief functions (提出了信念函数目前最有效的推理算法--如用现在的算法须一千年的问题,新算法只须一秒钟); developed a theory of linear belief functions (normal or Gaussian belief functions) and applied the concept to information integration in auditing, investment analysis, model combination, matrix computation. etc. (提出了线性信念函数的概念,并应用这概念于投资市场信息的综合,社会科学模型的整合,矩阵计算,线性方程系统求解,等等); published a book on belief functions in 2008 that generated 41,156 downloads by 2015 and was ranked top 25 among all books and number one most downloaded eBooks in Computer Science eBook collections in 2015 according Springer; developed a knowledge-based system for combining knowledge coded as linear models. The system is now ported to lmos.org, free of charge to other researchers in the field
  3. Research Methodology in Social Sciences (社会科学研究方法): proposed a new method and the concept of predictive and mediating efficiencies to test the nomological validity of second- or higher-order measurement models. This work, published in 2012, is now listed as one of two authoritative references on nomological networks, along with Cronbach's classic paper in 1955, by OMICS International (提出了检验二阶或高阶度量模型的概念表达的合法性的方法和预测-调解效率指标。这篇发表才三年的文章已经同 Cronbach 的 1955 的经典被 OMICS International 列为两个关于Nomological Network的权威参考)

Dr. Liu has served as an associate editor for Journal of Information Analysis, a guest editor for International Journal of Intelligent Systems, a co-editor for Classic Works on Dempster-Shafer Theory of Belief Functions, and on the editorial board of a few academic journals. He served on the program committee or as a track chair for INFORMS, AMCIS, IRMA, IIT, International Conferences on the Theory of Belief Functions, IAENG International Conference on Operations Research, etc.

Dr. Liu has strong practical and teaching interests in e-business systems design, development, and integration using advanced DBMS, CASE, and RAD tools. He has won several teaching awards, research awards, and was listed in the 64-65th edition (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013) of Who's Who in America and the 28th edition (2011, 2012, 2013) of Who's Who in the World. His recent consulting experience includes designing and developing a patient record management system, a payroll system, a course management system, and an e-travel agent, and providing corporate trainings on Oracle database administration, Oracle applications development, and object-oriented requirements analysis and modeling for large corporations.

During the years of his Ph.D. study at University of Kansas, Dr. Liu was on the Dean's List every year. His GPA at graduation was 4.0. His dissertation has received the Best Dissertation Award.

During his undergradudate studies at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Dr. Liu acted as the Chief Editor for College Mathematics and Journal of Undergraduate Academy since his freshman year. He began to publish papers in the top academic journals such as Journal of Systems Science & Mathematical Sciences, Journal of Huazhong University of Science & Technology, etc. His publications won him both the first and the second places in 1986 Hubei Province Best Student Research Competition. He also won China's National Outstanding Research Achievement Award for his research on energy planning in 1987.

Dr. Liu was publicized (e.g., 长江日报,湖北日报,光明日报) for being the first in the nation pursuing double majors simultaneously from two different colleges. Starting from his sophomore year, he attended both Wuhan University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology, which are the top two universities in Central China and among the top ten in the nation. He earned two Bachelor degrees in his junior year, graduating respectively one year and two years ahead. More importantly, his second-degree thesis, directed by Professor Xie Jianheng, a fellow of Chinese Academy of Sciences, solved the Navier-Stockes equation and obtained an analytical solution to a long lasting engineering problem related to the Three-Gorges Dam project.


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