Research Interests
Information Systems: Systems Analysis and Design Methods, Electronic Business, Technology Acceptance, Data Quality, Research Methods in Meta Analysis Using Belief Functions and Nomological Validity
Expert Systems:Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence, Linear Belief Functions Based Expert Systems, Machine Learning and Data Mining
Decision Analysis: Coarse Utility Theory, Portfolio Analysis, Influence Diagrams and Belief Networks, Multiobjective Decision Making, Preferences Modeling;

  1. (Liu, L.) "Requirements Modeling and Coding: An Object-Oriented Approach", World Scientific Publishing Europe Ltd, London, UK, 2020. (ISBN-13 : 978-1786348821) Buy at Amazon
  2. (Yager, R. R. and Liu, L.) "The Classic Works of the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Belief Functions", Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2008. Download
  3. (Liu, L. and B. Roussev) "Management of Object-Oriented Development Processes," Idea Group Publishers, Hershey, PA, 2006.

  1. (Liu, L.) “The reducibility of matrix sweeping operations: A computational issue in linear belief functions”, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, vol. 114, pp. 226-247, Nov. 2019.
  2. (Liu, L.) "Representing Belief Functions as Random Variables," in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 47, no. 12, pp. 3321-3330, Dec. 2017. (doi: 10.1109/TSMC.2016.2577138), URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7502143&isnumber=8110749.
  3. (Liu, L.) "Imaginary Numbers for Combining Linear Equation Models via Dempster's Rule", International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Vol. 55, Issue 1, 2014, 294-310. Download
  4. (Liu, L., D. Zhu, and Li, C.) "A new method for testing nomological validity and its application the measurement of trust in Internet stores," Journal of Association for Information Systems, in press. Download
  5. (Liu, L. and D. Zhu) "An Integrated e-Service Model for Electronic Medical Records," Information Systems and e-Business Management, in press. Download
  6. (Liu, L.) "Technology acceptance model: A replicated test using Tetrad," International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 24, 2010, pp. 1230-1242. Download
  7. (Liu, L., Elizabeth E. Grandon, and Steven R. Ash) "Training reactions and task performance: a study of open training in object-oriented systems development," Journal of Information Systems and e-Business Management, vol. 7, 2009, pp. 21-37. Download
  8. (Liu, L., C. Shenoy, and P. P. Shenoy) "Knowledge Representation and Integration for Portfolio Evaluation Using Linear Belief Functions," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Series A, vol. 36 (4), 2006, pp. 774-785. Download
  9. (Liu, L. and Q. Ma) "Perceived System Performance: A Test of an Extended Technology Acceptance Model," Data Bases, Vol. 37 (2-3), 2006, pp. 51-59. Download
  10. (Steven R. Ash and L. Liu) "Training reactions: what do we really know?" Training & Management Development Methods, Vol. 20 (5), 2006, pp. 13-18.
  11. (Liu, L. and Ma, Q.) "The impact of service level on the end user's acceptance of application service oriented medical records," Information and Management, 42(8), 2005, 1121-1135. Download
  12. (Ma, Q. and Liu, L.) "The role of Internet self-efficacy in the acceptance of Web-based electronic medical records," Journal of Organization and End User Computing, 17(1), 38-57, 2005. Download
    • Republished in Medical Informatics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Joseph Tan (ed.), Medical Information Science Reference, 2009, pp. 1514-1529.
    • Republished in End-User Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (Chapter 3.18), Steve Clarke (ed.), Information Science Reference Series, Idea Group Publishing, 2008, pp. 1101-1117.
    • Republished in Advanced Topics in End-User Computing, Volume 5, Idea Group Publishing, 2006, pp. 54-76
  13. (Liu, L.) "A new foundation for the mean-variance analysis," European Journal of Operational Research, 158, 229-242, 2004. Download
  14. (Liu, L. and Shenoy, P. P.) "Representing asymmetric decision problems using coarse valuations," Decision Support Systems, 37 (1), 119-135, 2004. Download
  15. (Liu, L.) "A note on Luce-Fishburn axiomatization of rank-dependent utility," Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 28 (1), 55-71, 2004. Download
  16. (with Ma, Q.) Emerging e-Business Technologies for Electronic Medical Re-cords, In Angel Salazar, Ray Hackney, and Jeremy Howells (eds.) Innovation Manage-ment in the Knowledge (Digital) Age: Strategic Transformation in Healthcare Organiza-tions, Amsterdam, NL: IOS Press, 2003.
  17. (Srivastava R. P. and Liu, L.) Applications of Belief Functions in Business Decisions: A Review, Information Systems Frontier: A Journal of Research and Innovation, in press. Download
  18. (Ma, Q. and Liu, L.) The technology acceptance model: A meta-Analysis of empirical findings, Journal of End User Computing, 16 (1), 59-72, 2004. Download
    • Republished in End-User Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (Chapter 3.17), Steve Clarke (ed.), Information Science Reference Series, Idea Group Publishing, 2008, pp. 1088-1100.
    • Republished in Advanced Topics in Organizational and End User Computing, Volume 4, Idea Group Publishing, 2005, pp. 112-127.
  19. (Liu, L. and Ma, Q.) Emerging e-business technologies for electronic medical records, International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, 6 (1/2), 1-17, 2004. Download
  20. (Liu, L., C. Shenoy, and P. P. Shenoy) A linear belief function approach to portfolio Evaluation, in C. Meek and U. Kjaerulff (eds.), Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 19, San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann, 2003, 370-377. Download
  21. (Liu, L.) "Special Issue on the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence: An Introduction," International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 18(1), 1-4, 2003. Download
  22. (Liu, L.) "Local Computation of Gaussian Belief Functions," International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 22, 217-248, 1999 Download
  23. (Liu, L.) "Approximate Portfolio Analysis," European Journal of Operational Research, 119, 35-49, 1999 Download
  24. (Liu, L.) "A theory of Gaussian belief functions," International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 14, 95-126, 1996. Download
  25. (Liu, L.) "Propagation of Gaussian belief functions," in D. Fisher and H. Lenz (eds.), Learning from Data: Artificial Intelligence and Statistics V. New York: Springer-Verlag, 79-88, 1996.
  26. (with Shenoy, P. P.) "A theory of coarse utility," Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 11, 17-49, 1995. Download
  27. (Liu, L.) "Stability analysis of dynamic equilibrium," Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 193, 800-816, 1995. Download
  28. (Liu, L.) "Characterization of nondominated controls in terms of solutions of weighting problems," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 77, 545-561, 1993. Download
  29. (Liu, L.) "On synergetic decision making," in Ü. Jaaksoo and V.I. Utkin (eds.), Automatic Controls VI, Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press, 371-378, 1991.
  30. (Liu, L. and Chen, T.) "On the stability of efficient solution sequences in the multistage decision process (多步决策过程中有效解的平稳性)," IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica (The Journal of Chinese Academy of Sciences on Automatic Control 《自动化学报》), 19(2), 170-176, 1993.
  31. (Liu, L. and Chen T.) "Multiobjective control for evidence-finding processes (取证过程的多目标控制)," IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica (The Journal of Chinese Academy of Sciences on Automatic Control 《自动化学报》), 19(5), 527-534, 1993.
  32. (Liu, L.) "On Harmonic decision structures (关于决策的协同结构)," Journal of Systems Engineering, (The Journal of Chinese Society of Systems Engineering 《系统工程学报》), 6(2), 79-91, 1992.
  33. (Liu, L.) "Causal analysis (效应关联分析)," Journal of Huazhong University of Science & Technology 《华中理工大学学报》, 20(1), 13-20, 1992.
  34. (Liu, L.) "Modeling water-sediment motion in caecum-form rivers (盲肠回流泥沙运动机理初析)," Journal of Huazhong University of Science & Technology 《华中理工大学学报》, 19(3), 21-28, 1991.
  35. (Liu, L. and Chen T.) "Modified Leontief model and waste energy recovery plan for petrochemical enterprises (石化企业修正Leontief模型与余能回收规划 )," Theory and Practice of Systems Engineering (A Quarterly Journal of Chinese Academy of Sciences on Systems Engineering 《系统工程理论与实践》 ), 10(2), 58-64, 1990.
  36. (Liu, L. and Cheng, S. M.) "An energy model for petrochemical plants (石化企业能源模型)," Journal of Huazhong University of Science & Technology 《华中理工大学学报》, 18(3), 31-38, 1990.
  37. (Liu, L. and Chen, T.) "On system isomorphism (系统同构分析)," Journal of Systems Science & Mathe-matical Sciences (The Journal of Chinese Academy of Sciences on Systems Sciences 《系统科学与数学》), 9(3), 243-249, 1989.
  38. (Liu, L. and Li, K.) "Rural energy planning (农村能源发展规划模型)," Journal of Huazhong University of Science & Technology 《华中理工大学学报》, 17(6), 35-42, 1989.
  39. (Liu, L.)"Automatic control in the service of mankind: A review of IFAC 1990 World Congress," International Academic Developments, No. 2, 68-82, 1991.
  40. (Liu, L.)"Artificial neural network and its development," Research and Development, 1(1), 1-8, 1991.
  41. (Liu, L.) "Multicriterion harmony decision making," Advances in Modeling and Simulation, 20(1), 29-42, 1990.
  42. (Liu, L.) "System isomorphism representation and function analysis," Advances in Modeling and Simulation, 19(4), 17-24, 1990.
  43. (Liu, L.) "The HUST energy model for an industrial enterprise (HEEM) and its application," Advances in Modeling and Simulation, Beijing, China: Higher Education Press, 1990.

  1. (Liu, L.) "Linear belief functions for data analytics," Belief Functions: Theory and Applications, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 11069, Springer International Publishing, pp. 181-189, 2018.
  2. (Liu, L.) "A New Matrix Addition Rule for Combining Linear Belief Functions," BELIEF 2016: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9861, Springer International Publishing, pp. 14-24, 2016. Download Proceedings or Download Presentation
  3. (Liu, L.) "Electronic Medical Records: Management and Implementation," Telehealth and Mobile Health, Vol. 2, pp. 251-276, Halit Eren and John G. Webster (eds.), CRC Press, 2015. Download Chapter
  4. (Liu, L.) "A relational representation of belief functions," BELIEF 2014, pp. 161-170, F. Cuzzolin (Ed.), Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2014. Download Proceedings or Download Presentation
  5. (Liu, L.) "Combining Linear Equation Models via Dempster's Rule," Belief Functions: Theory & Applications, pp. 255-265, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012. Download Proceedings or Download Presentation
  6. (Ma, Q. and Liu, L.) "The role of Internet self-efficacy in the acceptance of Web-based electronic medical records," Medical Informatics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Joseph Tan (ed.), Medical Information Science Reference, 2009, pp. 1514-1529.
  7. (Liu, L. and R. Yager) "Classic works on the Dempster-Shafer theory of belief function: An Introduction," Classic Works of the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Belief Functions”, Ronald Yager and Liping Liu (eds.), Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2008, pp. 1-34.
  8. (Ma, Q. and Liu, L.) "The technology acceptance model: A meta-Analysis of empirical findings," End-User Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (Chapter 3.17), Steve Clarke (ed.), Information Science Reference Series, Idea Group Publishing, 2008, pp. 1088-1100.
  9. (Ma, Q. and Liu, L.) "The role of Internet self-efficacy in the acceptance of Web-based electronic medical records," End-User Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (Chapter 3.18), Steve Clarke (ed.), Information Science Reference Series, Idea Group Publishing, 2008, pp. 1101-1117.
  10. (Liu, L. and B. Vijayaraman) "Information Integration: A Review of Emerging e-Business Technologies," Handbook of IT in Organisations and Electronic Markets, Angel J. Salazar and Steve Sawyer (eds.), World Scientific Press, 2007.
  11. (Ma, Q. and Liu, L.) "The role of Internet self-efficacy in the acceptance of Web-based electronic medical records," Advanced Topics in End-User Computing, Volume 5, Idea Group Publishing, 2006, pp. 54-76.
  12. (Ma, Q. and Liu, L.) "The technology acceptance model: A meta-Analysis of empirical findings," Advanced Topics in Organizational and End User Computing, Volume 4, Idea Group Publishing, 2005, pp. 112-127.
  13. (Liu, L. and Ma, Q.) "Emerging e-Business Technologies for Electronic Medical Records," In Angel Salazar, Ray Hackney, and Jeremy Howells (eds.) Innovation Management in the Knowledge (Digital) Age: Strategic Transformation in Healthcare Organizations, Amsterdam, NL: IOS Press, 2003.
  14. (Liu, L., C. Shenoy, and P. P. Shenoy) "A linear belief function approach to portfolio Evaluation," in C. Meek and U. Kjaerulff (eds.), Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 19, San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann, 370-377, 2003.
  15. (Yu, P. L. and Liu, L.) "A foundation of principles for expanding habitual domains," in M. Karwan, J. Spronk, and J. Wallenius (eds.), Essays in Decision Making­­⎯A Volume in Honor of Stanley Zionts, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 185-200, 1997.
  16. (Liu, L.) "Propagation of Gaussian belief functions," in D. Fisher and H. Lenz (eds.), Learning from Data: Artificial Intelligence and Statistics V. New York: Springer-Verlag, 79-88, 1996.
  17. (Liu, L.) "On synergetic decision making," in Ü. Jaaksoo and V.I. Utkin (eds.), Automatic Controls VI, Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press, 371-378, 1991.
  18. (Liu, L.) "A rural energy model," in S. W. Zhu (ed.), Techno-Economics of Rural Energy in China, Beijing, China: Water Conservancy and Power Press, 36–45, 1988.

  1. (Liu, L. and D. Zhu) "Electronic Medical Records: A Vision for Medical Data and Service Grids", Proceedings of Fourth IEEE Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM2007) June 09-11, 2007, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, P. R. China.
  2. (Liu, L.) "Usability and Efficacy Reactions to Object-Orientation: The Impact of Prior Knowledge," Proceedings of the Second Annual Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction Research in Management Information Systems, Seattle, Washington, December 12-13, 2003, 70-74. (Selected as one of 7 best papers to be reviewed for a special issue of Journal of Management Information Systems)
  3. (Ma, Q. and Liu, L.) The role of Internet self-efficacy in accepting Web-based medical records, Proceedings of 9th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Tampa, FL, August 4-6, 2003, forthcoming.
  4. (Liu, L. and Li, C.) A Second-Order Factor Model of Trust in Internet Stores, Proceed-ings of the 4th World Congress on the Management of Electronic Business, Hamilton, On-tario, Canada, January 15-17, 2003.
  5. (Liu, L. and Grandon, E. E.) How performance and self-efficacy influence the ease of use of object-orientation: The moderating effects of prior training, Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Big Island, HI, January, 2003, 10 pages. (the Best Paper Nomination).
  6. (Liu, L., Li, C., and Karau, S. J.) A Measurement Model of Trust in Internet Stores, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Electronic Business, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2002, 88-90.
  7. (Liu, L. and Chi L. N.) Evolution Data Quality: A theory-Specific View, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Quality, Cambridge, MA, November 2002, 292-304.
  8. (Liu, L. and Grandon, E. E.) Revolution or evolution? A cognitive comparison of analy-sis methods, Proceedings of 2002 Decision Sciences Institute Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 2002, 1364-1370.
  9. (Ma, Q. and Liu, L.) On acceptance of a web-based medical record system, Proceed-ings of 2002 Decision Sciences Institute Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 2002, 1264-1270.
  10. (Roussev, B. and Liu, L.) Distributed computing using Java: A comparison of two server designs, Proceedings of 2002 Decision Sciences Institute Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 2002, 1149-1155.
  11. (Grandon, E. E. and Liu, L.) Is object-oriented modeling easy of learn and use? A con-firmatory factor analysis, Proceedings of the 8th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Dallas, TX, August, 2002, 1166-1176.
  12. (Grandon E. E. and Liu, L.) An Empirical Study of How Structured Modeling Experi-ence Affects the Performance of Applying Object-Oriented Analysis Methodology, Pro-ceedings of 2001 Decision Sciences Institute Meeting, 373-375, San Francisco, CA, November 2001.
  13. (Liu, L. and Shenoy, P. P.) Coarse Valuations Network, Proceedings of 2000 Decision Sciences Institute Meeting, Volume II, 474-476, Orlando, FL, November 2000.
  14. (Liu, L.) Conditional Belief Functions, Proceedings of 1998 Decision Sciences Institute Meeting, Volume II, 589-591, Las Vegas, NV, November 1998
  15. (Liu, L.) Uncertainty Reasoning Using Gaussian Belief Functions, Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, January 1996.
  16. (Liu, L. and Shenoy, P. P.) "A decomposition method for asymmetric decision problems," Proceedings of 1995 Decision Sciences Institute Meeting, Volume II, 589-591, Boston, MA, November 1995.
  17. (Belcher, M. C. and Liu, L.) "Willingness to invest in lighting energy reduction in indus-trial buildings," Proceedings of 3rd European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting, 289-296, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, 1995.
  18. (Liu, L.) "A portfolio selection model based on coarse utilities," Proceedings of 1994 De-cision Sciences Institute Meeting, Volume I, 264-266, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1994.
  19. (P. L. Yu and L. P. Liu) "Habitual Domain Studies: A Way to Empower Ourselves to Solve Problems Effectively," A Keynote Speech at the Annual Meeting of Association of Italian Operations Research, Acireale, Catania, Italy, Sept. 23-26, 1992, in the Proceeding.

  1. Invited Talk, Classic Works in Dempster-Shafer Theory of Belief Functions, School of Business, Rutgers University at Newark, November 20, 2006 (Host: Glenn Shafer, University Distinguished Professor).
  2. Invited Talk, Taming Complexity for Decision Making: A Theory of Coarse Utility and Its Derivatives, Mathematical Behavioral Sciences Colloquium. University of California at Irvine, November 18, 2004. (Host: R. Duncan Luce, UCI Distinguished Professor, member of National Academy of Sciences, winner of 2003 National Medal of Science)
  3. Invited Talk, A Theory of Linear Belief Functions and Applications to Knowledge Representation and Integration in Business Decision Making, The Graduate School of Management, University of California at Irvine, November 18, 2004. (Host: L. Robin Keller, Professor of Operations and Decision Technologies)
  4. Invited Talk: An Introduction to Linear Belief Functions and Applications to Audit Decisions, Doctoral Seminar on Accounting and Auditing, School of Business, University of Kansas, April 27, 2004. (Host: Rajendra P. Srivastava, Ernst & Young Distinguished Professor of Accounting and Information Systems)
  5. Plenary Presentation: A Linear Belief Function Approach to Portfolio Evaluation, 19th Conference on Uncertainty on Artificial Intelligence, Acapulco, Mexico, August 7-10, 2003.
  6. Invited Talk: Information Systems Studies in America, Graduate Student Council, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, June 22, 1999. (Host: Zhiguang Yang, Vice President)
  7. Invited Talk: Representing Asymmetric Decision Problems Using Conditional Belief Functions, Research Seminar on Management Science and Technology, School of Business, University of Kansas, November 6, 1998. (Host: Prakash P. Shenoy, Ron G. Harper Distinguished Professor of Artificial Intelligence)
  8. Tutorial: Local Computation of Gaussian Belief Functions, 6th INFORMS Computer Science Technical Section Conference on Computer Science and Operations Research: Recent Advances in the Interface, Monterey, California, January 7-9, 1998.
  9. Invited Colloquium: The Theory of Coarse Utility and Portfolio Analysis, Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 20–22, 1995.

  1. (Liu, L.)"A relational representation of belief functions," The 3rd International Conference on Belief Functions, Oxford, UK, September 26-28 2014
  2. (Liu, L.) "Combining Linear Equation Models via Dempster's Rule," The 2nd International Conference on Belief Functions, Compiègne, France, May 9-11, 2012.
  3. (Liu, L., Li, C.) A Second-Order Model for e-Commerce Trust, 24th Annual McMaster World Congress on the Management of Electronic Business, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, January 15-17, 2003.
  4. (Liu, L. and Grandon, E. E.) How performance and self-efficacy influence the ease of use of object-orientation: The moderating effects of prior training, 36th Hawaii Interna-tional Conference on Systems Sciences, Big Island, HI, January 7-10, 2003. (Nominated for the Best Paper Award)
  5. (Liu, L., Li, C., and Karau, S. J.) A Measurement Model of Trust in Internet Stores, 2nd International Conference on Electronic Business, Taipei, Taiwan, December 10-13, 2002.
  6. (Liu, L. and Chi L. N.) Evolution Data Quality: A theory-Specific View, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Quality, Cambridge, MA, November 8-10 2002.
  7. (Liu, L. and Grandon, E. E.) Revolution or evolution? A cognitive comparison of analysis methods, 2002 Decision Sciences Institute Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 23-26, 2002.
  8. (Ma, Q. and Liu, L.) On acceptance of a web-based medical record system, 2002 Decision Sciences Institute Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 23-26, 2002.
  9. (Roussev, B. and Liu, L.) Distributed computing using Java: A comparison of two server designs, 2002 Decision Sciences Institute Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 23-26, 2002.
  10. (Grandon, E. E. and Liu, L.) Is object-oriented modeling easy of learn and use? A confirmatory factor analysis, Proceedings of the 8th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 1166-1176, Dallas, TX, August 9-11, 2002.
  11. (Grandon, E. E. and Liu, L.) An Empirical Study of How Structured Modeling Experience Affexts the Performance of Applying Object-Oriented Analysis Methodology, 2001 Decision Sciences Institute Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2001.
  12. Model Combination Using Belief Functions, 2001 INFORMS Annual Meet-ing, Miami, FL, November 2001.
  13. A Meta-Analysis on Technology Acceptance Model, 2001 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Miami, November 2001
  14. (Liu, L. and Shenoy, P. P.) Coarse Valuations Network, 2000 Decision Sciences Insti-tute Meeting, Orlando, FL, November 2000.
  15. A Multi-Trust Model, Second International Workshop on Technological Challenges of Electronic Commerce, Beijing, China, June 17-20, 1999
  16. Conditional Belief Functions, 1998 Decision Sciences Institute Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, November 21-24, 1998.
  17. Tutorial: Local Computation of Gaussian Belief Functions, 6th INFORMS Com-puter Science Technical Section Conference on Computer Science and Operations Re-search: Recent Advances in the Interface, January 7-9, 1998, at Monterey, California, USA
  18. Uncertainty Reasoning Using Gaussian Belief Functions, 4th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, January 3-5, 1996.
  19. Invited Colloquium: The Theory of Coarse Utility and Portfolio Analysis, 1995 Decision Sciences Institute Meeting, Boston, MA, November 20-22, 1995.
  20. A Decomposition Method for Asymmetric Decision Problems, 1995 Decision Sciences Institute Meeting, Boston, MA, November 20-22, 1995.
  21. Propagation of Gaussian Belief Functions, 5th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, January 4-7, 1995.
  22. A Portfolio Selection Model Based on Coarse Utilities, 1994 Decision Sciences Institute Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, November 20-22, 1994.
  23. Configuration Networks for Asymmetric Decision Problems, 4th Workshop on Normative Systems, Aalborg, Denmark, May 8-10, 1994.
  24. A Theory of Coarse Utility, TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, April 24-27, 1994.

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