  A B O U T   D E V E L O P E R
This system was architected and developed by Professor Liping Liu under the financial aid from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. An earlier version of the program was finished at Susquehanna University.
Liping Liu is Professor of Management and Information Systems at the University of Akron. He received his Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics in 1986 from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Bachelor of Engineering in River Dynamics in 1987 from Wuhan University, Master of Engineering in Systems Engineering in 1991 from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Ph.D. in Business in 1995 from the University of Kansas. His research interests are in the areas of Uncertainty Reasoning and Decision Making in Artificial Intelligence, Electronic Business, Systems Analysis and Design, Technology Adoption, and Data Quality. His articles have appeared in Decision Support Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Information and Management, Journal of Association for Information Systems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, and others. His theories of coarse utilities and linear belief functions are currently taught at nation's top Ph.D. programs in Accounting, Computer Science, Economics, Management, and Psychology. He has served as a guest editor for International Journal of Intelligent Systems, a co-editor for Classic Works on Dempster-Shafer Theory of Belief Functions, and on the editorial board of a few academic journals. He served on the program committee or as a track chair for INFORMS, AMCIS, IRMA, IIT, etc. He has strong practical and teaching interests in e-business systems design, development, and integration using advanced DBMS, CASE, and RAD tools. He has won several teaching awards and listed in the 64th-67th editions of Who's Who in America. His recent consulting experience includes designing and developing a patient record management system, a payroll system, a course management system, a faculty online vita system, a member management system, Linear Model Operating System (LMOS), and an e-travel agent, and providing corporate trainings on Oracle database administration, Oracle applications development, and object-oriented requirements analysis and modeling for large corporations.
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