641 Week 11 Outline on MongoDB Posted on 11/9/2024) by Liping Liu
(641 Week 11 Outline on MongoDB) NoSQL Databases do not organize data as tables linked by PK-FK relations. Instead, they use a different logical data model:
Document Model
Graph Model
Key-value pair
Why NoSQL: prevalent use of small devices and distributed systems of apps requires (flexible data structure, big data, high demand for availability)
scalable horizontally: no need to change data structure in order to add new data fields
optimized for a specific data model with compromises:
basic availability
soft state
eventual consistency
NoSQL Database Examples (MongoDB, DynamoDB, CouchDB, etc... more >>
641 Week 9 Outline Posted on 11/2/2024) by Liping Liu
(641 Week 9 Outline) Review:
1. Find employees who make more than all managers
2. Find the maximum average salaries of all departments
3. Find the number of columns in EMP table
4... more >>
Proposed Syllabus for ISM 420: Artificial Intelligence for Business Posted on 10/27/2024) by Liping Liu
(Proposed Syllabus for ISM 420: Artificial Intelligence for Business) Instructor: Dr. Liping Liu, 360 CBA Building, +5947, liping@uakron.edu
Credits: 3 hours
Text Books:
Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach, Pearson; 4th edition (May 13, 2021)
Liping Liu, Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence
Time and Location: Mondays and Wednesdays: 3:30-4:45 PM; August 26-December 10, 2025... more >>
Proposed Syllabus for ISM 427: Deep Learning from Business Data Posted on 10/27/2024) by Liping Liu
(Proposed Syllabus for ISM 427: Deep Learning from Business Data) Instructor: Dr. Liping Liu, 360 CBA Building, +5947, liping@uakron.edu
Credits: 3 hours
Text Books:
Manel Martínez-Ramón, Meenu Ajith, and Aswathy Rajendra Kurup, Deep Learning--A Practical Introduction, John Wiley & Sons, 2024... more >>
641 Week 7 Outline Posted on 10/12/2024) by Liping Liu
(641 Week 7 Outline) Warm-Up Queries:
Find the employment year of each employee
Find the departments in Dallas
Find the salesmen who were hired after 1980
--Find menagers whose name ends with M
select enamefrom empwhere job = 'MANAGER' and ename like '%M';
--Give salesman 100 commission
update empset comm = comm + 100where job = 'SALESMAN';
--handle missing values
upate empset comm = 0where comm is null;
select 12*sal + commfrom empgroup by empno;
--use nvl(comm, 0)
update empset comm = nvl(comm, 0) + 100where job = 'SALESMAN';
Lecture 1: Intermediate SQL Programming: Join
implicit join (outer and inner), Explicit Join: inner join, left join, right join, full outer join (or cross join)
Find all the employees located in Dallas
Find all employees and their associated departments
Find all departments and their associated employees
Explicit Joins
Just like + operation in arithmetics to combine two tables, may be used in parentheses for nested combination of more than two tables
Syntax: TableA join TableB on (criterion to join)
three explicit Join types: left, right, inner
Equivalent to implicit joins (e... more >>