  P R I V A C Y    P O L I C Y
ecourse.org is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your data. Below is our Privacy Policy that sketches how information is collected from you and how it is used.

What Information is Collected?

When you sign up ecourse.org as an instructor or a student, we collect personal information from you including your name, e-mail address, and a password. To gain support such as password retrievel, you may optionaly enter your phone number for texting. To register into a class, you need to provide additional identification data such as your SID, your major, and admission date for your instructor to approve your enrollment. We may also collect, or our third party ad server will collect non-personally identifiable information about you, such as the server your computer is logged onto, your browser type (for example, Netscape or Internet Explorer), and whether you responded to the ad delivered. 

How Information is Used?

We do not sell or rent your personal information to others. Unless you choose to publish your resume on the web, we do not post your personal data to the public zone of the Internet. All personal data the ecourse.org collects are mainly used by your professors or students to contact you inside and outside classroom. ecourse.org may use your personal information for the purpose of customer support, and system enhancement and promotion. 

Do We Use Cookies?

We do not use cookies.  A member has to logon to the system to be identifiable.  However, we use an outside ad serving company to display banner advertisements on our site. As part of their service, they place a cookie on your computer. The ad server collects and uses your IP address, browser type, the server your computer is logged onto, and whether you responded to a particular ad. We do not disclose your personal account information or any information about your classes to our ad server.
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