Welcome to ecourse.org: the Information Infrastructure for Education in the information age! This system allows instructors from any school or college (including home schools and training programs) to teach either onsite or online courses . It allows students to manage all their ongoing school works and past academic records at one location.
Our mission is to redefine the model of learning and re-engineer its process by providing innovative administrative and instructional technologies. Click here for our beliefs.
What is your opinion?
Could another species someday replace us as Earth's dominant intelligent life and, if so, which species?
(641 Week 9 Outline) (by Liping Liu) Review:
1. Find employees who make more than all managers
2. Find the maximum average salaries of all departments
3. Find the number of columns in EMP table
4... more >>
(Proposed Syllabus for ISM 420: Artificial Intelligence for Business) (by Liping Liu) Instructor: Dr. Liping Liu, 360 CBA Building, +5947, liping@uakron.edu
Credits: 3 hours
Text Books:
Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach, Pearson; 4th edition (May 13, 2021)
Liping Liu, Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence
Time and Location: Mondays and Wednesdays: 3:30-4:45 PM; August 26-December 10, 2025... more >>
(献忠事件) 张献忠,明末民变首领之一,大西皇帝。史学家刘仲敬经常将其用作预言中共统治秩序崩坏后人口大规模死亡的符号来使用。后经网络传播,“献忠”被用来形容无差别杀人事件,并形成网络亚文化。因为被广泛使用,单单“献”字可用做动词,用以形容无差别杀人行为。 更多请看“张献忠”、“献忠学”... more >>
This system is designed and developed by Professor Liping Liu with financial support from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. It evolved from a prior version called CourseWeb (for courses prior to Year 2000) and UXTEND.COM and www.e-course.org.