Online Learning System
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If you are not a member yet, please read our membership agreement and then sign up. The membership is free for all individuals and institutions, including home schools and corporate training programs: institutions with formal programs, courses, and instructors may sign up school accounts, which will control access by students and instructors. Please make suggestion to your department or school to contact us. Otherwise, individuals may sign up Freelance Instructor accounts. All memberships are free.

If you have already signed up but forgot your user name or password, you can retrieve them here.

Search FAQs:

Answer: The student will get either whole or none points depending on whether he or she selects all the answers correctly or not.

FAQs for Everybody:

Question: Are my account data secured?
ANSWER: Yes. When you login, your password is encrypted and its hash value is transmitted over the Internet. Your password cannot be intercepted by hackers along the way.

Question: How does handle timed events for global classes with students and instructors from various timezones?
ANSWER: uses universal time; all students have to use the same points in time to take tests, meet deadlines, or check attendance, although these times may be translated into different local times.

Question: What information does collect?
ANSWER: For anonymous users, records the machine's IP address and entry/exit time for security auditing. For any member login, we record the user name and login/logout time. To open an account, a member must must provide directory data. Members own their data and may choose to share with other parties (students, instructors, or schools). For any other voluntary data, please refer the membership agreement for details.

Question: Who will be able to view my notebook items?
ANSWER: Everybody can see your news and blog posts. Nobody can see you private notes. Homework may be visible to your teachers when submitted. Lecture notes will be visible to your students when it is selected as courseware. Announcements will be broadcast to the homepage of your all current students.

FAQs for Students:

Question: Do I need different accounts for different schools/courses?
ANSWER: No. You just need one account, which is independent of any school or course. You can sign-up any courses offered by any instructor as long as you have the XESSCODE and the instructor will approve your enrollment.

Question: Do I need to sign-up a school/course to use
ANSWER: No, if you just want to subscribe to Question of the Day email list, create resumes, or use common online learning resources. However, to manage your course work, including taking tests, you will need to enroll into a course or project and have your instructor to approve your access to the course.

Question: Where do I subscribe to Question of the Day email?
ANSWER: Login to your account, and go to My Settings.

Question: I see a link to Online Submission and also Multimedia Test System. Which one do I use to submit my homework?
ANSWER: You will submit any files or your notebook items using Online Submission. However, your teacher may use MTS to create assignments with multiple choices, True/False, or short answer questions, and then you will use MTS (Quiz) to finish them.

FAQs for Instructors:

Question: I am a school faculty, but I do not see my school in the list. What should I do?
ANSWER: You have two choices: 1) ask your school to sign up a school account first; 2) if you are the only one instructor using, then you can sign up a Freelance Instructor account.

Question: What is a Freelance Instructor account?
ANSWER: This is for instructors (or home school teachers) who do not belong to an institution or school teachers whose school have not sign up with yet.

Question: Are there any differences between School Faculty and Freelance Instructors in terms of what can be done using
ANSWER: None. A faculty account is controlled by a school account. For example, a school faculty needs to have xesscode from his or her department in order to create a section, but a freelance instructor can create his or her own courses and sections underneath.

Question: I moved to a different school. Do I need to create a different account?
ANSWER: No if you are using Freelance Instructor account, and yes if you are using a school faculty account.

Question: Can I pool my courses from different instructor accounts?
ANSWER: In theory, no. However, you can grant management access or course material sharing between accounts so that you can manage all your current and past courses from one account.

Question: Can my teaching assistants or co-instructor to manage my courses?
ANSWER: Yes. You can grant management privilege to another instructor account or grant material access privilege to any other class. The receiver will have to accept the granting from his or her account to take effect.

Question: I am not teaching a class. Can I use to create a test?
ANSWER: Yes. You will sign-up a Freelance Instructor account and your test questions(in Multimedia Test System) first. Then create a course and a section under the course. Finally, create the tests or exams by pooling your questions from your personal question library. Then tell your students the XESSCODE of the course and ask them to sign-up to the section and take the tests at your specified time.

Question: What type of questions I can create using the Multimedia Test System?
ANSWER: Multiple-Choice, True/False, and Select-All. You can also create short-answer questions, but the system can only take the answer and/or show the standard answer, without evaluation. Each question must be independent; it has all necessary figures, equations, sounds, and supporting file. Equations can be entered as LaTeX or MathML code or as a figure to be uploaded.

Question: While conducting an exam, I noted a mistake in my questions. Can I fixed it online?
ANSWER: Yes, go to your test or find the question in your question library, make changes, and students should see the changes immediately.

Question: Are my questions in my personal library available to others?
ANSWER: Your questions are private; nobody else can access them. Students may subscribe to one or more of your topics to get one question a day. If you do not allow it, put * in the topic and make the topic totally private.

Question: Can I download my questions in my library?
ANSWER: Yes, you can download it as Excel file or print it as PDF file.

Question: What is the script generator used for?
ANSWER: It can be used to create any batch script (programs or memos) that embeds your students' names, user ID, partial passwords, and/or school ID. The generated script will be emailed to you.
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