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643 Week 8/15 Outline: Class Diagrams

(Subject: Systems Analysis/Authored by: Liping Liu on 3/2/2025 5:00:00 AM)/Views: 3259
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Class Diagram: A graphical model representing conceptual objects and their relationships

Two Types of Relationships:

  • Inheritance:
    • Instance Level: Child objects are special kinds of a parent object (is-a relationship)
    • Class Level: Child classes are sub classes of a parent class
    • Wrong: A child object is contained in a parent object (why?)
    • Example 1:
      • Employee, FullTimer, and PartTimer
      • Account, Checking, and Savings
    • Encapsulation Principle Revisit: 
      • private data for parent class must be changed into protected one
      • behavioral members must be changed into virtual if child class needs to change their implementation. 
      • Abstract operation: operation in a parent class that has no implementation (function body). Abstract operations have to be implemented in child classes
      • Abstract class: A parent class that has one or more abstract operations
      • Interface: an abstract class that has nothing but abstract operations.
      • The purpose of abstract classes and interfaces is to set up a programming contract for all all sub classes to observe
  • Association --any other kinds of relationships if they are related, including containment (has-a relation), assignment, correspondence, etc
    • Cardinality or multiplicity: quantify how one object is associated with how many other objects
    • Example: Customer and Account 
    • Navigability:
      • qualify whether one object commands or asks  other objects to perform their operations (e.g.: Pilot --> Airplane) 
      • qualify whether one object refers to or contains other objects as a part of its data members (e.g., Order --> Product)

Implementation: Programming Inheritance and Associations

  • Inheritance: if A is a sub class of B: class B {//} and class A:B {//} . Examples: Parttimer : Employee {//} to show that Parttimer is a sub class of Employee;  Savings:Account {//}; Checking:Account {//}
  • Associations: 
    1. Navigability
      1. A --> B: Create B's object(s) inside A as instance variables
      2. A -- B: Create B's object(s) inside A as instances variables and create A's object(s) inside B as instance variables
    2. Cardinality:
      1. If maximum cardinality is 1, create a single object as instance variable
      2. If maximum cardinality is greater than 1 and fixed, create an array of objects as an instance variable
      3. If maximum cardinality is greater than 1 and not fixed, create a list of objects as an instance variable
        • A --> B: class A has one (cardinality on B size is one) or more (cardinality on B side is many) B's instances as attributes
        • A -- B class A has has one (cardinality on B size is one) or more (cardinality on B side is many) B's instances as attributes, and Class B has one (cardinality on A size is one) or more (cardinality on A side is many) A's instances as attributes
        • Example: Customer -- Order --> Product


Advanced Coding Concepts on Inheritance: virtual operations, abstract operations, abstract classes, and interface     

public abstract class Account


//if each account belongs to upt to a certain number of customers

//protected Customer[] customers;

//if each account belongs to an unknown numbers of customers

//protected List customers;

//if each account belongs to one customer

protected Customer customer;


protected int acctNo;

protected double balance;

//protected string acctType;

protected DateTime openDate;

public Account()


acctNo = 0;

balance = 0;

openDate = DateTime.Now;

//if each account belongs to upt to 5 customers

//customers = new Customer[5];

//if each account belongs to an unknown numbers of customers

//customers = new List();

//if each account belongs to one customer

customer = new Customer();


public Account(int newAcctNo, double newBalance, DateTime newOpenDate, Customer cust)


acctNo = newAcctNo;

balance = newBalance;

openDate = newOpenDate;

customer = cust;


public virtual void Credit(double amt)


balance = balance + amt;


public virtual void Debit(double amt)


if (balance < amt)

throw new Exception("insufficient fund");


balance = balance - amt;


public double GetBalace()


return balance;


public abstract double ComputeInterest();


public class Customer


private List<Account> accounts;


public Customer()


accounts = new List<Account>();



public class CheckingAccount : Account


private List<SavingsAccount> associtedSavings;

private int checksAllowed;

public CheckingAccount():base()


associtedSavings = new List<SavingsAccount>();

checksAllowed = 90;



public override double ComputeInterest()


//throw new NotImplementedException();

return 0;



public class SavingsAccount : Account


private CheckingAccount primaryChecking;

private double interestRate;

private DateTime validFrom;

private DateTime validUtil;

public override double ComputeInterest()


//throw new NotImplementedException();

if (validUtil > DateTime.Now)


TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - validFrom;

int years = ts.Days / 365;

return interestRate * balance * years;




TimeSpan ts = validUtil - validFrom;

int years = ts.Days / 365;

return interestRate * balance * years;



public SavingsAccount():base()


primaryChecking = new CheckingAccount();

interestRate = 0;

validUtil = DateTime.Now;



public class CD : Account


private double interestRate;

private DateTime maturity;

public CD():base()


interestRate = 0;

maturity = DateTime.Now;


public override double ComputeInterest()


//throw new NotImplementedException();

if (DateTime.Now < maturity)

return 0;



TimeSpan ts = maturity - openDate;

int years = ts.Days/365;

return balance * Math.Pow(1 + interestRate, years);



public override void Debit(double amt)


if (DateTime.Now < maturity)

throw new Exception("not matured yet");







  • Reading: Chapter 6 of LIU (2020)
  • Exercises: Correctness Questions: online; Hands-on Questions: Question 9 of Chapter 6


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