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Rhapsody License Server Installation

(Subject: Systems Analysis/Authored by: Liping Liu on 6/11/2022 4:00:00 AM)/Views: 2222
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Rhapsody License Key Server Installation (for Systems Administrator only)

IBM uses Flexlm License Manager to manage floating licenses. RLKS may be installed and run on Windows Server as a service or installed on Linux systems as Daemon.  Use RLKS installation media (download from IBM) to first install IBM Installation Manager and then open the Installation Manager to install RLKS.

After the installation, make sure to open the machine's firewall for TCP port 27001 as well as IBMRatl program located in ....\IBM\RationalRLKS\common folder. You will also need to map the port 27000 to the server if the server is behind corporate firewall. 

Purchase License Keys (for Systems Administrator)

Of course, you will need to become IBM Rational subscriber and pay for your desired number of licenses. After that, login and go to Rational License Center at to generate license file.  To do so, you will need your RLKS server machine's Host ID, host name (fully qualified domain name), and Port Number (default 27000). You may download get_host_info.exe from IBM and run it on the RLKS server to obtain the above parameters. After the license file is generated, download it into your RLKS server. Open License Key Administrator to import the license key file and start the Flexlm_Key service.

Follow the following steps to set up license key servers for Rhapsody:

  1. Install IBM License Manager using RLKS file
  2. Run get_host_info program to determine the server's disk id and host name
  3. logon to ( and get license keys for  IBM RATIONAL - URBANCODE, DOORS, RELM, RPE, Rhapsody,Change, Synergy
  4. Open IBM License Manager to import the license file
  5. Go to settings and set ports for License Server services 27000 for Flexlm and 27001 for Rational

You may copy lmutil file from IBM or from your RLKS server at ...\IBM\RationalRLKS\common (if the client and server both use Windows or both use Linux). Then run the command "lmutil lmstat -a" to check if the license key server is up and running. Fix the problems (license files not imported or firewall blocks the access) before you approach client installation. 


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