Online Learning System
  O U R    B E L I E F S
By intelligently and diligently applying network and database technologies, we believe that can dramatically improve higher educatioon in the following ways:

  • Universities can be extended: One university is not the universe. Students needs to access the best learning experience from multiple universities. Why cannot a student at MIT majoring in Computer Engineering register for a minor in Business at Harvard? will help redraw the landscape of higher education in the US.

  • Students can be better served: Students need to access instructional resources 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Students need immediate feedback about their work. Students want more personalized communication with professors despite the large class size. has been well received by thousands of students.

  • Administrative work can be reduced: Why do we have to keep a large work force to do the work that students can do it themselves and can do it better? Using, the administration can focus on long-term strategic issues and, of course, cash in tuitions and fees.

  • Instruction can be more efficient: Typically, a professor has to spend 30% or more of her valuable time to manage her classes such as seting up classes, creating syllabus, creating student accounts, making assignments, taking attendance, distributing course materials, calculating grades, making periodical reports, etc. now release her from all that. She just need to spend no more than two minutes to sign up for the first time. If she teaches the same course next time, creating a new class is one-click away.
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